Make 2020 Ashamed of Itself

In a lot of ways, it feels like this year has flown by: I can still vividly remember saying things like, “We’ll be back in the office by May!” That very wrong prediction happened in March, but I remember it like it was yesterday. 

In other ways, it feels like 2020 just won’t quit: I’ve been stuck in the house so long I know how many steps from the bed to my computer so I can wake up at the last minute for my first meeting of the work day. 

(8 steps from the bed, 6 stairs to the living room, 10 steps, 11 stairs to the basement, and 12 steps to my computer)

No matter how we look at it, 2020 is quickly coming to a close and we have an opportunity to translate it into our own language. One of my favorite expressions is “Work Hard”: no matter what 2020 has thrown at us, we have an opportunity to transform our lives into the best combination of opportunity and chance.

Check out my spot on hard work

A lot has gone wrong this year, but I’d like to share a few things:

  1. The hardest part of 2020 for me has been the separation we’ve all felt based on social unrest, a global pandemic, and political rhetoric. It has challenged me to build deeper bonds with people I care about no matter our disagreements.

  2. Through it all, I was able to lose 25lbs the hard way: starving myself and working out like a maniac

  3. I biked over 800 miles (250miles in July alone) and rowed over 300 boring miles in my driveway

  4. In the midst of generally precarious employment situations, I started a new job as Director of Data Strategy and I’m doing work that is really exciting

  5. …oh yeah, I published a book, did 15 podcasts, 5 book clubs, and have a number of opportunities lined up for 2021

I hope you’ll take time to translate 2020 into a story that challenges and inspires you to create 2021 into a year that will make 2020 ashamed of itself.



Making New Year’s Resolutions that ‘stick’


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